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Usage Rules – “ID Virtual Reality”


The following rules govern your participation and/or your child/ward’s participation in any activity at “ID Virtual Reality” :

  1. All Users using the “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment for the first time are required to watch the “ID Virtual Reality” tutorial video in its entirety prior to using the equipment.

  2. We recommend consulting a physician before using the “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment if you are pregnant, elderly, have pre-existing binocular vision abnormalities or psychiatric disorders, or suffer from a heart condition or other serious medical condition.

  3. The “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment should not be used by children shorter than 48 inches. Adults should monitor children who are using or have used the VR equipment for any of the symptoms described below, and should limit the time children spend using the “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment and ensure they take breaks during use. Prolonged use should be avoided, as this could negatively impact hand-eye coordination, balance, and multi-tasking ability. Adults should monitor children closely during and after use of the VR equipment for any decrease in these abilities.

  4. A comfortable virtual reality experience requires an unimpaired sense of motion and balance. Do not use the “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment when you are tired, need sleep, are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, are hung-over, have digestive problems, are under emotional stress or anxiety, or when suffering from cold, flu, headaches, migraines, or earaches, as this can increase your susceptibility to adverse symptoms. Operation of “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited.

  5. Immediately cease use of the “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment if you experience any of the following symptoms: seizures, loss of awareness, eye strain, eye or muscle twitching, involuntary movements, altered, blurred, or double vision or other visual abnormalities, dizziness, disorientation, impaired balance, impaired hand-eye coordination, excessive sweating, increased salivation, nausea, light-headedness, discomfort or pain in the head or eyes, drowsiness, fatigue, or any symptoms similar to motion sickness. Consult a physician if you have serious and/or persistent symptoms.

  6. Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptoms linked to an epileptic condition should consult a physician before using the “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment.

  7. The “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment can emit radio waves that can affect the operation of nearby electronics, including cardiac pacemakers. If you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, do not use the CTRL V virtual reality equipment without first consulting your physician or the manufacturer of your medical device.

  8. Symptoms of virtual reality exposure can persist and become more apparent hours after use. These post-use symptoms can include the symptoms above, as well as excessive drowsiness and decreased ability to multi-task. These symptoms may put you at an increased risk of injury when engaging in normal activities in the real world. Do not drive, operate machinery, or engage in other visually or physically demanding activities that have potentially serious consequences (i.e., activities in which experiencing any symptoms could lead to death, personal injury, or damage to property), or other activities that require unimpaired balance and hand-eye coordination (such as playing sports or riding a bicycle, etc.) until you have fully recovered from any symptoms.

  9. Food and drink are not permitted within the virtual reality gaming stations.

  10. Users may also be required to calibrate the “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment prior to beginning their session. The calibration of the “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment may take up a portion of the User’s scheduled booking at the Premises.

  11. Any damage caused to “ID Virtual Reality” virtual reality equipment by you and/or your child/ward shall be your sole liability and you shall indemnify and save harmless “ID Virtual Reality” from said damages.

  12. “ID Virtual Reality” is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal items which occur during your time on the “ID Virtual Reality” premises.

  13. Any misconduct, including but not limited to excessive yelling, swearing, misuse of equipment, intentional disruption of other patrons, will result in the immediate termination of your session at “ID Virtual Reality” by “ID Virtual Reality” staff at their sole discretion.

  14. For safety reasons, we reserve the right to refuse service to any participant who in our judgement is seemingly impaired.

  15. We reserve the right to refuse service to any participant that has a medical condition or other condition that may be potentially contagious (ie., conjunctivitis, head lice).

  16.  “ID Virtual Reality” is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion (or lack thereof). We do not tolerate harassment of our staff members or participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any event. If event participants violate these rules, we will ask for the customer’s event staff to remove the offending party. If our staff members still feel uncomfortable or experience threatening or improper conduct by any participant(s), AVR reserves the right to immediately cancel the event and remove our equipment from the event. In these extreme cases, customers will not receive a refund for any remaining scheduled event time.

  17. “ID Virtual Reality” will not provide adult content for any of its VR experiences. Adult content includes nudity or pornography.

  18. If any participant damages “ID Virtual Reality” equipment, the repair or replacement fee will be charged to the customer and customer agrees to pay for the repair or replacement fee.

  19. Use of “ID Virtual Reality” VR equipment is at the customer’s and participant’s own risk.

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